Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
ESMER: Well here is how the wrong way to show respect when answering to guardian.
Cassandra: Mom can we go out to eat
Isabella: Sure lets go to Chiles
Cassandra: Mom why don't you go my way (and smacks her lips)
ESMER: Here is the correct way to show respect when answering to a guardian.
Cassandra:Mom can we go out to eat
Isabella:Sure lets go to Chiles
Cassandra:Ok let me go get ready
ESMER: This is the wrong way to respect a Teacher when giving instructions.
Isabella:Ok everybody where going to review math
Cassandra: "Gosh" no how boring Uh
ESMER : this is the correct way to respect a teacher when giving instructions.
Isabella:Ok everybody where going to review math
Cassandra:Ok let me get out my book
ESMER:this is the wrong way to treat or think of another place.
Cassandra:Well every body get in the bus (getting there...)
Isabella:OMG! i hate this place and don't want to be here
ESMER:well this is the correct way to think about a place.
Cassandra:well everybody get in the bus (getting there)
Isabella: yay how cool is this