Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

DO NOW How can learning about powerpoint help me in the real world?Most people now in days know that using a powerpoint is a faster way of gatering info.Sence the tech has powerd up know there is more posibblity to gather info faster.Besides it helping you it shows that your more organised in what your work is.It's better to use the powerpoint because its faster and better.Because you can use and present it in college.Thats why the people in other country use advanced tech to understand more.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DO NOW; How do you see yourself using a computer in the future?Well because im gonna already know to type fast and the basics.Its really esay because once you know what your aming for  you know how to do it.You see because we learned so little at the age of 10-11 we are alredy comprehending whats up.Iknow that  keeping on track is an esay thing so just do it.Plus if i learn early many colleges will exept me for understanding the basics and i won't bug into taking  the tech class any more.Just think about it if every 6th  grader learned6 years before college there would be so much kindness.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DO NOW; How can learning the about the computer parts help me in the real world?Thats one of the most easyest way to do because at a click of a button your email is allready onits way to the other computer.Now a days they mostly cary labtops because first there more advancded and understand more.Just imagine if the world stoped tech people would go crazy because if they have to send a 19pg esay to boston and there in texas i dont think there were going to walk?But today is more realaty in everything a computer dameges go buy a new one if the other is to old or just simply fix it.Plus the computer is fast in tech so  fastly it can help in homework or jut find a job.The computer can teach many things because things are always pop out of peoples heads so don't worry you will always understand how to use it one way or another...